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Bitmova, LLC Announces New Data Center in Temple

TEMPLE, Texas— The Temple Economic Development Corporation (Temple EDC) today announced that Bitmova, LLC will expand its data management capacity to Temple with new datacenter. The datacenter will occupy a 11 -acre tract of land in the Temple Industrial Park located near the intersection of IH-35 and Loop 363 in northwest Temple.  Bitmova LLC will invest just under $8 million in capital investment over five years and create 56 jobs.

The Temple EDC Board of Directors approved an economic development agreement that includes a land grant.

“Welcoming Bitmova, LLC to Temple further diversifies our industry base.” Temple EDC Vice President Charley Ayres said. “Bitmova will create high wage jobs in a highly technical job, with a significant level of capital investment in our local economy.”

Bitmova will set up a main data center to expand their current data management capacity and keep up with the data needs to maintain the functionality of their online platforms. On site will also be a workshop to continue Research & Development of Berberry servers and other technology prototypes related to robotics and VR. The long-term vision for this facility includes offering an accelerator program in the area working on the development of projects related to robotics.

“Temple EDC is a great partner, and Temple is a fantastic location,” stated, Behrouz Movahhed Nouri, CEO of Bitmova, LLC. “Temple Industrial Park offers a unique opportunity to develop a state-of-the-art data center on a site that has access to low cost, reliable power, infrastructure in place, an excellent network of roads and an available skilled workforce.”

Bitmova, LLC is the second company Temple EDC has assisted this year.  Over the course of 2017, Temple EDC has worked with Bitmova, LLC and R&L Carriers to help them invest capital and create or maintain jobs in Temple.  To date, Temple EDC efforts have resulted in over $13 million in projected new capital investment and new and/or retained 86 jobs in the City.

 About Temple

Temple, Texas, is a community with a diverse economic base that includes healthcare, distribution and warehousing, and manufacturing as its foundation. Within 200 miles of a population of 19 million, Temple is strategically located 39 minutes north of the Austin Metro Area on I-35, making it central within the Southwest U.S. marketplace. For more information, visit

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