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Temple City Council Approves Grant for Downtown Temple Development

Temple City Council adopted a resolution authorizing amendments to a development agreement to increase Strategic Investment Zone (SIZ) grant funding for development of downtown properties at 110 and 112 South 1st St.

The City of Temple is committed to establishing long-term economic vitality in SIZ corridors, encouraging redevelopment and diversification.  “Temple’s Downtown Area is located in one of the SIZ corridors and allows property owners in the area who meet certain criteria to apply for matching grant funds in real property investments,” says Temple’s Director of Planning, Brian Chandler. “We are excited to see the revitalization of our downtown historic business district and look forward to the renovation of these two properties, in particular.”  Each of these properties are eligible to receive up to $115,000 in matching grant funds.

H5B3, LLC, owner and developer, is proposing to renovate the two properties and construct a pizza restaurant, tap room, deli and coffee house concept with outdoor dining and entertainment. The project scope consists of interior renovations, including fire suppression, façade improvements, landscaping and other improvements associated with converting the area behind the building to a spacious seating, playground and game area.