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Multi-Shop Retail Establishment “The Hub” Locating In Downtown Temple

The Temple Economic Development Corporation (Temple EDC) today announced Pam and Joe Shepperd, the owners of a 22,000 square foot building in downtown Temple, are renovating it to serve as a multi-shop, eclectic retail space, called The Hub.

The redevelopment of the three Northwest buildings that were formerly part of Casey’s Furniture will include: first floor boutique space featuring fashion, accessories, gifts and home décor, a unique café with ice cream shop, and party rental space. The second floor will house art and the works of various artisans and craftsmen.

The Hub is the working partnership formed between the Shepperds and Holley Gosh. Ms. Gosh will serve as managing partner with oversight for all operations.

The Hub has begun renovations that include the exterior and interior. The exterior will receive a complete façade remodel and sidewalk replacement, and a patio dining area. The interior will restore historic aspects of the building by exposing brick walls, ceiling beams and stamped tin ceilings.

An economic development agreement based on the $700,000 capital investment of the project was approved by the Temple EDC Board of Directors on May 17 that includes a cash grant.

“The Hub is renovating a historic structure that has opportunity for good use,” Temple EDC President David Blackburn said. “The Hub will be bring desired retail and diversity of business to downtown Temple and compliment the efforts of Temple’s downtown revitalization efforts to occupy and enhance the appearance of vacant or underutilized building.”

On average Downtown Temple welcomes over 30,000 daily visitors with almost half of those visitors with an income of more than $50,000.

“We are big believers in downtown Temple and think the community is on the cusp of a major private sector play to secure and renovate historic downtown buildings,” The Hub Partner Joe Shepperd said.” “To create a vibrant downtown scene a private/public partnership effort is essential and The Hub will play a vital role in this, with the result being an enhanced quality of life segment of economic development.”

The Hub construction is scheduled to be complete by mid-October 2016.

 About Temple

Temple, Texas, is a community with a diverse economic base that includes healthcare, distribution and warehousing, and manufacturing as its foundation. Within 200 miles of a population of 19 million, Temple is strategically located 39 minutes north of the Austin Metro Area on I-35, making it central within the Southwest U.S. marketplace. For more information, visit

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